Personal MBA Coach just wrapped up an exciting week at AIGAC 2024. This year, we headed to Barcelona and Paris and visited three European MBA Programs: INSEAD, HEC Paris, and IESE. In addition to touring these three beautiful campuses, we spent two days with admissions directors from 25 MBA Programs, including HBS, Stanford GSB, MIT Sloan, Chicago Booth, Kellogg, Columbia Business School, Duke Fuqua, Michigan Ross, Dartmouth Tuck, INSEAD, London Business School and many more!
This annual AIGAC conference is a unique opportunity to meet with admissions directors, both formally and informally,while learning more about top MBA programs, admissions trends, how admissions directors review applications, what they are looking for, and much more!
At Personal MBA Coach, we talk a lot about AIGAC and the importance of being an AIGAC consultant but recognize that many MBA applicants may not be as familiar with the organization or the benefit of selecting an AIGAC consultant. So, before we share more about this year’s conference and our learnings, let’s answer the question: What is AIGAC and why should I care?
AIGAC is the Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants. Founded 18 years ago, AIGAC brings “insight and transparency into the graduate admissions process and promotes ethical standards and professional development among our members and stakeholders worldwide.” AIGAC fosters exclusive connections with leading business schools while ensuring its consultants meet the highest standard of integrity. Only AIGAC consultants are allowed access to this annual conference along with school-specific webinars and much more. This means AIGAC consultants have this unique insight into what admissions directors are looking for NOW in the dynamically changing admissions environment.
Now, on to the exciting stuff! While we cannot publish school-specific insights, we are excited to share a few broad learnings and trends that emerged in this year’s conference!
2024 Admissions Trends & Conference Takeaways
1) MBA Application Volumes Are Up
The MBA is popular again! After seeing some dips in application volume during the pandemic, nearly all schools reported an increase in application volume! While we know that applicants are applying to a larger number of schools (our average applicant applies to 6 schools), yields remain strong, which means more professionals are turning to an MBA to maximize their career potential. All signs point to this trend continuing in the coming cycle (particularly given reports of lower job openings), even if the US does not face a full recession. This means 2024-2025 applicants should expect strong competition and will want to apply early and take steps to maximize their chances of success.
2) AI Continues To Be Top Of Mind
Naturally, with the release of ChatGPT 4.0 AI was a popular topic of conversation. While schools are varied in their policies on the use of AI, we heard overwhelmingly that admissions directors can easily spot an essay that is written with AI. Some schools are seeking opportunities to change their essays to make them harder to write with AI while others are recognizing that the best essays are written authentically. While over time we may see some changes in the composition of applications, there seem to be no near-term plans to make large changes in the face of AI.
3) Admissions Directors Are Humans With Diverse Perspectives
One of the benefits of the conference is it allowed Personal MBA Coach to meet with admissions directors on an informal level, over coffee, drinks, lunch, and dinner. These conversations illuminated just how diverse admissions directors are, both in terms of their backgrounds and in terms of what they are looking for from applicants. What one school might consider in bad taste or overbearing, another program might view as a sign of persistence. It is important to keep this in mind as you interact with admissions directors and read social cues carefully! Personal MBA Coach also helps our clients with advice on how to handle interactions with specific business schools through our Comprehensive and Waitlist Packages if you need help cracking the code at your target school.
4) The Program and Campus Nuance Really Do Matter
Touring three different campuses in such a short window and talking to representatives from over a dozen other schools is a great reminder of just how different each MBA program is. Not only is this true for the way the programs are structured and the types of candidates who excel in a given program, but it is also true for what life is like on campus! As you narrow down your target school lists, along with considering how you like to learn, ask yourself where you want to live!For example, at IESE, students will live throughout Barcelona and study at a beautiful campus in the city. At HEC Paris, on the other hand, most first-year students live on campus outside of the city. The same is true for students at INSEAD, though they have access to the charming town of Fontainebleau, which as we learned on our visit, is not as “sleepy” as it initially appears.
5) Non-MBA Masters Programs Are Increasingly Popular
This year, we enjoyed conversations with admissions directors on their non-MBA offerings, which are becoming increasingly popular! Often coined “specialized masters programs,” programs such as Masters in Management and Masters in Finance can be great options for pre-experience or early career candidates looking to get a leg up in the workforce. As demand for these traditionally one-year masters’ programs increases, schools are dedicating additional resources to add new offerings. If you are interested in a business career but are not quite ready for an MBA, this could be a great option for you! Find out more about specialized master’s programs here.
6) Schools Maintain Varying Approaches to Testing
This year’s conference confirmed that variation in policies surrounding testing will continue in the coming year. Some top programs are embracing choice, allowing applicants to choose between the GMAT, GRE, EA, LSAT, or a test waiver while others maintain their policy of accepting only the GMAT or GRE. Nearly all schools report a rise in popularity of the GRE. Schools that have historically offered test waivers, largely will continue to do so. Some schools weight these tests heavily while others place less importance on the test score. This is welcome news to Personal MBA Coach as we know that some clients struggle with testing. If you need help with testing strategy or tutoring, reach out today!
All of these details and nuances may feel overwhelming at first. If you need help navigating the MBA landscape, check out Personal MBA Coach’s Comprehensive Packages! Through our customized support based on 17 years of industry experience and insider knowledge, we will help you maximize your chances of application success.