Yale School of Management’s Silver Scholars application is still open for 2025 applicants.
Want to learn more about applying to Yale SOM? Take a look at Personal MBA Coach’s interview with Bruce DelMonico, Assistant Dean for Admissions at Yale School of Management, to get insider advice on the Yale SOM experience and application process.
Watch below to learn how to position yourself for success!
While Yale’s round 1 and round 2 application deadlines have passed, plenty of deferred MBA applicants will apply in round 3.
The Yale SOM Silver Scholars 2024-2025 Application Deadlines Are:
Round 1: September 10, 2024
Round 2: January 7, 2025
Round 3: April 8, 2025
As with many other deferred MBA programs, the Yale SOM Silver Scholars application mirrors the full-time one. Yale allows applicants to choose the essay question they would like to answer (find out more about how to approach essay choices here!), leaving its longstanding essay on commitment as one of the options.
Yale SOM Silver Scholars MBA Application Essay Prompts 2024-2025
1) Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. Why is this commitment meaningful to you and what actions have you taken to support it?
2) Describe the community that has been most meaningful to you. What is the most valuable thing you have gained from being a part of this community and what is the most important thing you have contributed to this community?
3) Describe the most significant challenge you have faced. How have you confronted this challenge and how has it shaped you as a person?
Choose the prompt that speaks most strongly to you and about which you have the most enthusiasm.
Personal MBA Coach’s Yale SOM Silver Scholars Essay Tips
It is common for applicants to panic when they see the word “choose.” However, take Yale at face value when they say there is no “wrong choice.” Yale has introduced an option to its essay component to give applicants more flexibility to write about what makes them unique.
Below, we have shared our tips for approaching each of the three options.
Yale MBA Essay Option 1:
Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words)
For this first essay question, our advice for Silver Scholars hopefuls mirrors the advice we have shared for full-time applicants. Use this question to tell the SOM admissions committee about something you are passionate about and convince them that you have the determination and ability to follow through on your endeavors.
While the commitment can be personal, educational or professional, Personal MBA Coach often finds that personal essays work best here. Regardless of your topic, select ONE thing to write about.
Personal MBA Coach clients have written their Yale SOM commitment essays on a wide range of topics including: personal development areas, hobbies, athletic pursuits and volunteer work. However, even a topic as simple as committing to exercise or read more can work if the “why” is strong enough.
While your commitment CAN be a work in progress, it should be something that you have made considerable progress on already. Something that you just decided you want to do or that you plan to do in the future would not be a good choice.
As you describe this commitment and the steps you took to achieve it, be sure to dedicate ample space to the what and the why! Keep in mind this essay is your primary opportunity to tell Yale SOM who you are and show them that you will fit in on campus. So be yourself here!
Yale MBA Essay Option 2:
Describe the community that has been most meaningful to you. What is the most valuable thing you have gained from being a part of this community and what is the most important thing you have contributed to this community? (500 words)
For Silver Scholars applicants who have strong relationships with a particular community, this second essay could be a good fit. Applicants can think of community broadly as they brainstorm options for this essay. For example: This could be the physical community in which you were raised, an affinity group you belong to or a club on campus.
Make sure that if you select this option, you are prepared to paint a strong picture of what you learned from this community and how you have personally added value. Use this essay to help the SOM admissions committee see you as someone who will actively add value on campus. This does NOT mean you should write about what you will do at SOM. Yale believes that past actions are the biggest predictor of future success, so be as specific as possible.
Once you have defined your community for the reader, make sure you leave space to discuss how this community shaped you.
Yale MBA Essay Option 3:
Describe the most significant challenge you have faced. How have you confronted this challenge and how has it shaped you as a person? (500 words)
For Silver Scholars hopefuls contemplating this third prompt, remember that that Admissions Directors are not looking for applicants who have overcome the greatest hurdles in their lives.
Applicants need not select a challenge pertaining to a major tragedy. A simpler personal or educational challenge can work well here, as long as you have grown from the experience.
Be sure that your essays shows SOM not only the steps you took to address this challenge but also the skills and leadership qualities you gained from the experience. The goal of this essay is to show Yale that you are prepared to succeed in your educational and career pursuits!
Yale MBA Short Answer Essay: Post-MBA Interests: Briefly describe your career interests and how you arrived at them. What have you already done to pursue these interests? What do you need to do going forward? (200 words)
Finally, the Yale Silver Scholars application includes a short career goals essay. Be direct with this short answer by stating your goals (check out this blog for more tips on how to think about your goals) and explain why these goals are both exciting to you and a good fit for your skills and experiences. Finally, tell Yale how the MBA program will specifically help you to succeed. With 200 words, you will feel limited, but you do want to show that you have taken time to research the Yale MBA program and why it is a good fit for you.
Finally, Yale SOM has a Video Essay for Silver Scholar applicants.
Applicants will receive the video questions after submitting their applications. Find out how to prepare for this crucial applicant step with Personal MBA Coach’s video essay guidance and tips.
Ready to apply to Yale SOM? Contact Personal MBA Coach today to learn how we can help with your Yale SOM Silver Scholars application!