Scott Edinburgh
June 20, 2024

Dartmouth Tuck Application Deadlines and Essay Advice: 2024-2025

Dartmouth Tuck MBA Program

Dartmouth Tuck has officially announced its essay questions for the 2024-2025 application cycle!

Tuck has two deadlines for the first and second application rounds. Those who apply before the first deadline are guaranteed an interview. There is no guaranteed interview deadline for round 3 applicants. Personal MBA Coach welcomes this change as it encourages applicants not to submit at the last minute (which is something we advise for all of our clients). We recommend that those who have Tuck high on their list take advantage of the interview guarantee

The upcoming Tuck application deadlines are:

Round 1 with Interview Guaranteed/Regular Deadline: September 3, 2024/September 26, 2024

Round 2 with Interview Guaranteed/Regular Deadline: December 2, 2024/January 6, 2025

Round 3 Regular Deadline: March 26, 2025

The 2024-2025 Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Summary

Tuck shares the following recommendations:

The best responses to essay prompts are clear, succinct, forthright, thoughtful, genuine, and so distinctly personal that only you could have written them. We expect that your essays are entirely accurate and exclusively yours. Using tools or professional services to create content that is not your own violates Tuck’s admissions policies and Academic Honor Principle.

Once again, Tuck asks applicants to answer three required essay questions.

Please see below for Personal MBA Coach’s tips on how to answer the Dartmouth Tuck MBA essays.

Dartmouth Tuch MBA Application Essay Questions

Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Essay 1:

Why are you pursuing an MBA and why now? How will the distinct Tuck MBA contribute to achieving your career goals and aspirations? (300 words)

There is a lot to fit into this short 300-word essay. While candidates will share their goals in the short answer questions, they may want to use this space to elaborate on these goals. If you need help thinking through your goals, we have published a blog with our general tips.

Next, candidates should reflect upon the skills they will need to succeed in this desired career and SPECIFICALLY how Tuck will help them. Be sure to do your research into everything Tuck has to offer and discuss what you will take advantage of on campus and how. Tuck has a unique program, and it is more than just being close-knit. As always, avoid vague statements here.

Finally, be sure to explain to the Tuck admissions committee why NOW is the right time for you to pursue an MBA. Perhaps you have reached a plateau that you need an MBA to overcome. Or, maybe you recently had an experience that confirmed you are ready to change careers. Regardless of your personal circumstances, be sure to at least briefly discuss that here.


Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Essay 2:

Tell us who you are. How have your values and experiences shaped your identity and character? How will your background contribute to the diverse Tuck culture and community? (300 words)

For this question, candidates should reflect upon what makes them unique. For some candidates, this uniqueness may be obvious and directly tied to their demographic or socioeconomic background. If this applies to you, be sure not only to share this background but also talk about how it has shaped your values.

For other candidates, this uniqueness may be less obvious, and candidates are urged to reflect upon their personal story when determining what to share. In prior years, Personal MBA Coach has suggested that applicants consider hobbies, passions, skills and aspirations for Tuck’s second essay. While these topics are all still fair game, we urge applicants to dig deeper this year. Take the time to reflect on how these experiences have shaped you.

Finally, notice the call to discuss your contributions to Tuck. This means you should discuss the role you will play within the class of 2027 and how you will specifically improve life at Tuck.


Dartmouth Tuck MBA Application Essay 3:

Describe a time you meaningfully contributed to someone else’s sense of inclusion in your professional or personal community. (300 words)

Recognizing that actions speak louder than words, Tuck had previously asked for an example of how applicants have demonstrated the school’s values (telling applicants that Tuck students are encouraging, collaborative and empathic).

This year, Tuck is once again asking for an example of how applicants have supported someone else, with a focus on inclusion.

With only 300 words, select a story that is easy to set up. You do not want to use many words explaining the situation; instead, you want to SHOW your actions. This question is yet another opportunity for candidates to allow the Tuck admissions directors to assess what studying and living with them would be like.

If you do not have an obvious example here, it is ok to think of inclusion broadly. Personal, professional, volunteer, or other extracurricular examples would all work well.


Dartmouth Tuck Optional Essay:

Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere (e.g., atypical choice of references, factors affecting academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. (300 words)

Tuck also has an optional question that should be answered only by those candidates with unique circumstances. Read our advice on how to address optional essays here.


Dartmouth Tuck Reapplicant Essay:

How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally. (300 words maximum)

Are You Tackling Dartmouth’s Essay as a Reapplicant?

Check out our top tips for getting started with the reapplication essay.

Ready to Apply to Dartmouth Tuck’s MBA Program?

Schedule a consultation today to find out how our Comprehensive Packages can help you maximize your chances of admissions success at Tuck!
