Scott Edinburgh
June 25, 2024

HBS Application Deadlines & Essay Analysis: 2024-2025

Harvard Business School campus

Harvard Business School has opened its 2024-2025 MBA application. As expected, for the first time in recent history, HBS MBA essays have changed.Instead of one open-ended essay, applicants are now required to answer three short and focused questions. This is a significant change for HBS, which historically asked applicants to answer a much longer personal story–focused essay. Though overall this new application requires less writing, these new questions are challenging, so applicants will need to think carefully about what they portray to HBS admissions.

HBS changed its essay questions last year for 2+2 program applicants (also asking for fewer shorter essays with similar intent) so these new essay questions are not a surprise to Personal MBA Coach.

Below Personal MBA Coach shares details on what has changed and how to approach these new essay questions.

It is also important to note that HBS changed its testing requirements for 2024-2025 applicants. HBS will be accepting the GMAT Focus (currently the only GMAT exam available). However, applicants submitting the GMAT Focus will be required to also submit a writing assessment.

Here are the full details shared by HBS on this new requirement:

Note on the GMAT Focus: Writing is an essential component of the MBA program. Therefore, to be admitted to HBS all students must have an official writing assessment. You can satisfy this with a valid GRE, GMAT 10th Edition, or English language test score. If you only submitted the GMAT Focus, which lacks a writing section, HBS will contact you at the interview stage about taking the separate GMAC Business Writing Assessment. If you wish to take the GMAC Business Writing Assessment before knowing your interview status, you will be able to do so beginning July 2024. Because the written application has opportunities to showcase your writing abilities (e.g. essays, short answers), you will not be at a disadvantage if you do not include the GMAC Business Writing Assessment before you are invited to interview.

2024-2025 Harvard Business School Application Deadlines

Round 1: September 4, 2024
Round 2: January 6, 2025

2024-2025 HBS MBA Program Application Essay Questions Are As Follows:

HBS Essay 1: Business-Minded Essay: Please reflect on how your experiences have influenced your career choices and aspirations and the impact you will have on the businesses, organizations, and communities you plan to serve. (up to 300 words)

For this first HBS essay, naturally applicants should expand on their career aspirations. However, more importantly, they should explain the why behind this career. Tell HBS admissions what prepared you for this career and what motivates you to be successful. You career should be meaningful to you, and a strong essay will show this.

The second part of this essay focuses on the so-what. HBS wants to know how you will impact others in your career. Personal MBA Coach has shared how business schools are increasingly looking for applicants who understand the role businesses play in society as a whole, and this essay confirms that. As you think about your goals, think about how you will make not only your immediate company better but also how you will drive greater good in your career.


HBS Essay 2: Leadership-Focused Essay: What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become? (up to 250 words)

This option is the closest to the open-ended “personal story” essay that HBS is known for. However, with only 250 words to use and a leadership focus, applicants will need to be very succinct as they talk about their past. You might consider your background, upbringing or extracurricular experiences here.

Personal MBA Coach recommends that the details provided are specific and succinct, getting to the so-what of these experiences quickly. Then, quickly transition to a discussion on how they have shaped your professional leadership approach and vision. Remember, actions speak louder than words, so it will be important to show readers the type of leader you are by using specific examples from your career. A strong essay will tell readers why they would be lucky to have YOU as their future leader.


HBS Essay 3: Growth-Oriented Essay: Curiosity can be seen in many ways. Please share an example of how you have demonstrated curiosity and how that has influenced your growth. (up to 250 words)

This third HBS essay is new and not one we have seen from other business schools. As HBS states, curiosity can come in many forms. There is no one approach to this essay, so you really want to think about your own uniqueness here as you select an example. You can consider intellectual curiosity, personal curiosity, or professional curiosity here. Naturally, the implications are more meaningful than the story itself. It is important that the reader can see how you have grown as a professional and as a person from this experience. While not asked, this is a great way to show HBS how you take risks and how you will come to HBS with a growth mindset.

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Are you looking for support with your Harvard Business School MBA applications? Find out how Personal MBA Coach helped one of our clients tell their story to get into Harvard Business School and contact us for support today.
