The Stanford Deferred MBA program is specifically designed for students who know they are interested in eventually earning an MBA but do not yet have full-time work experience and who may also want to devote some time pre-MBA to other pursuits: For example, to build a specific skill or expand their perspective in preparation of the Stanford MBA; to explore particular industries to better define their long-term professional path; or to prepare for a specific industry that might already require specialized knowledge—private equity, biotechnology, or management consulting, to cite a few. MBA candidates now at Stanford who applied as deferred applicants report using their deferral period to better chart their course at Stanford (once accepted) and to take advantage of GSB’s resources, all much in advance.
Stanford GSB seeks people who are “interested in having a positive impact” from any field of study, including those in the humanities and those with STEM backgrounds. While a minority of those admitted to the Stanford MBA come from a humanities background, the class of 2025, for example, spans a wide range of backgrounds, from math and the sciences to engineering. You do not have to be a business or economics major to get in!
Stanford GSB Deferred Enrollment Application Process
You are eligible to apply for the Stanford GSB MBA Deferred Program if you are in your final year of a bachelor’s degree or a joint bachelor/graduate program, and your degree will be conferred between October 1, 2024, and September 30, 2025. If you are in a graduate program, you are eligible to apply if you are in your final year, if you entered your graduate program immediately following an undergraduate or undergraduate/graduate program, if you have not worked full-time (other than internships or co-ops), and your degree will be conferred between October 1, 2024, and September 30, 2025.
Applicants to Stanford’s deferred MBA program follow the same application process as the Stanford GSB full-time MBA applicants.
If you need help with your Stanford GSB Deferred Enrollment application essays, make sure to check out Personal MBA Coach’s blog for tips.
If you are looking for deferred MBA consulting, Personal MBA Coach is here to guide you via our Deferred MBA Packages.