For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving this week, turkey, football and Black Friday specials are probably consuming your thoughts! As tempting as it may be to put your applications on the back burner for the long weekend, I encourage you to use this extra time wisely. The New Year is fast approaching and with it come round 2 deadlines.
Here are a few tips from Personal MBA Coach on using this family time to your advantage and getting a jump start on your applications. With smart time management, you will still have plenty of time to enjoy the festivities.
1) Crowdsource essay ideas from your family: Your family knows you best and the most compelling essays include personal details. Share the most challenging essay topics with your loved ones and get their advice. Ask for their favorite anecdotes and their honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. Brainstorming can be the hardest part, so let your family do some heavy lifting over holiday cocktails.
2) Skip the Black Friday shopping: Don’t waste time braving the crowds this year. Instead, set aside Friday to work on your essays. Cyber Monday deals are likely just as good for those of you taking public transportation, you can shop on your iPhone on your way to work. For this one year, re-purpose the infamous Black Friday and get work done.
3) Try to score a Thanksgiving invite: Take the easy road this year and don’t host the holidays. Your essays are likely taking up all of your free time, so don’t hesitate to ask for help and bow out of cooking. Think about how great it will feel if you can have everything done in time to host gatherings for the holidays in December.
4) Project plan, setting aside a few specific hours each day: This is an important step for many of my clients. The weeks are flying by, so lay out everything you need to work on and set deadlines for yourself. Schedule the necessary number of hours for each day and be sure to schedule extra time during this long weekend. Smaller concrete tasks are much easier to accomplish and with hard deadlines, it is harder to get lazy.
5) Bring your recommenders an early holiday gift: Who says holiday gifts have to be given in December? Give them a gift now, and use the encounter to check in on your recommendations, answer any open questions and give your recommenders a gentle push. They are also coming into a very busy time of year, so take any excuse you can to make sure your LORs are a priority.
Need help? We know it’s a daunting process and Personal MBA Coach is here to help! Personal MBA Coach has been guiding candidates through all aspects of the MBA application process for 10 years with a 96% success rate. Call us today at 617-645-2424 or email at for a free consultation on your profile along with how we can help make your career dreams a reality!
We have a limited number of slots available for round 2 clients so don’t wait too long!
Personal MBA Coach wishes you and your loved ones a safe and happy