With just a few weeks left until MBA application deadlines, it is time to make your list and check it twice. While most checklists will merely cover the basics, Personal MBA Coach challenges you to ask these 9 questions to assess whether your applications are REALLY ready!
1) Is your story clear? Does the reader walk away knowing who you are and what matters to you?
2) Have you thought out and articulated why you want an MBA? To get promoted or to gain “business skills” are NOT good enough reasons.
3) Are you consistent throughout all of the application components? Your resume, essays, short answer questions and letters of recommendation should all include the same general message. Any inconsistencies are an instant red flag.
4) Does your application include specific information about the target school? Admissions committee members read thousands of essays every year and it is very easy for them to determine who is genuinely interested in the school and knows a lot about the program.
5) Are your letters of recommendation strong enough? Did you advise your recommenders to use specific examples and compare you to other candidates?
6) Are your essays easy to read? Or, do you find yourself re-reading paragraphs because you do not see how they fit into the essay?
7) Did you have someone else read your essays? This will give you an outsider’s objective opinion of your accomplishments and help to ensure you are talking about your experiences with the right level of detail for someone outside of your industry.
8) Do you have an MBA specific resume? For an MBA resume, you want to show how you have been successful and demonstrated leadership. You are selling your future potential. Make sure not to get too detailed here though.
9) Have you actually answered every question? It can be tempting to go off book or include additional information but adcom members ask each question for a specific reason. Ensure you are answering the question asked and not offering what you think they want to hear.
If after answering these questions you have doubts about whether your applications are strong enough, Personal MBA Coach has a limited number of gut check packages available this season. Reach out today!
Need one-on-one support with your MBA applications? Personal MBA Coach is willing to be your guide. Personal MBA Coach has been guiding candidates through all aspects of the MBA application process for 11 years with a 96% success rate. We also conduct mock interviews with our team of former top 10 MBA interviewers. Call us today at +1 617-645-2424 or email scott@personalmbacoach.com for a free consultation on your profile along with how we can help make your MBA dreams a reality!